Skater XL: Exploring Brooklyn’s Blue Park in the Digital Realm

Skater XL has emerged as a leading skateboarding video game, capturing the hearts of players seeking an authentic experience reminiscent of EA’s Skate series. The game’s robust community feature allows users to upload custom content, from maps to gear, fostering a vibrant online skateboarding culture. This feature has become so popular that a cult-like community has sprung up around the game, with digital skaters filming videos, publishing zines, and forming teams around the world. Taking advantage of this, we collaborated with skilled map builders to recreate a beloved New York skate spot within the game.

Our goal was to bring the iconic Blue Park in Brooklyn to the digital world. We enlisted MediumBurnt and TaitJames, renowned for their map-building expertise, to recreate this unique spot within Skater XL. Blue Park, officially part of “Martinez Playground,” is located next to a public middle school in East Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It’s a DIY skatepark, characterized by its makeshift nature. The only permanent features are three oblong manual pads. However, the park has evolved through the addition of various DIY obstacles.

A skater performing a trick within the Skater XL video game, showcasing the game’s realistic physics.

Blue Park has recently hosted demonstrations from brands and local shops like HUF, Bronze, and Tenant. These events often leave behind obstacles for locals to enjoy, until they succumb to wear or damage. The area’s strong DIY community continually adds more features, including flat bars, boxes, pole jams, and parking blocks, transforming the park into a dynamic space that constantly evolves. Each visit to Blue Park is unique, with new obstacles appearing and disappearing based on their popularity and construction.

A screenshot from the Skater XL game showing a digital rendering of Blue Park, highlighting the makeshift skatepark’s various obstacles.

We’ve digitally recreated the latest version of Blue Park, enabling players worldwide to experience this iconic local spot within Skater XL. To add more to the experience, we included nods to other famous Brooklyn skate spots, including the Jungle DIY in Crown Heights and the notorious Tekashi stair set. These hidden gems encourage exploration within the digital park.

Download the Blue Park map for PC here.

The map is currently exclusive to the PC version of Skater XL. However, we anticipate that it will become available for console versions as future game updates are released. This project allows skaters everywhere to explore the unique challenges and features of Blue Park from the comfort of their own homes.

An elevated view of the Blue Park map in Skater XL, showing the layout and variety of skateable terrain.

Our digital recreation of Blue Park in Skater XL not only provides a new virtual skateboarding experience but also highlights the importance of DIY skate culture. The constantly changing landscape of Blue Park is a testament to the creativity and dedication of the local skate community. We hope this map brings that spirit to a wider audience, allowing more players to appreciate the unique character of this iconic Brooklyn skate spot.

Another view of Blue Park within Skater XL, showcasing the park’s integration of various skateable obstacles in the game.

By bringing a real-world skate spot into the digital realm, Skater XL continues to bridge the gap between virtual and physical skateboarding. The recreation of Blue Park is a tribute to the vibrant skateboarding community in Brooklyn and provides an opportunity for players to experience the thrill and creativity that this local park embodies.

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