It’s truly remarkable how much a supportive board sponsor can elevate a skater’s career and video parts. It’s not just about free boards; it’s about the synergy of art direction, music selection, filming, and editing. While Tom K has consistently delivered great skating, his recent move to WKND seems to be the perfect match, finally providing the platform to showcase his unique style and creativity. Imagine if Grant Yansura, known for his innovative filming and editing, had been behind the camera for Tom’s Cold War part?
After stints with Zero, 3D, and Skate Mental, Tom’s transition to WKND appears to be a turning point. This new partnership perfectly aligns with his ingenuity, keen eye for spots, and subtle yet witty personality, as evidenced by his American Psycho skit. It’s clear that a board company that doesn’t resonate with a skater’s style or lacks ambition can hinder their potential, regardless of their hard work. However, in the current economic climate, can anyone really turn down free boards?
Tom K has finally found a home that not only fits his style but also provides the platform to make his skating shine.
Mini Q&A with Tom K
photo: dakota mullins
You’ve been married for a few years now, what’s the secret to keeping it spicy in the bedroom?
Lately, it has been Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex.
Are you going to switch up your wife as many times as you’ve switched your board sponsor?
Well, like my wife Cristina, I think Grant [Yansura] and I are a great match, but maybe we’re still in the honeymoon phase…
Do you have any tips on how to approach skating spots uniquely like you do?
Watch old movies and listen to the soundtrack, learning everything about the filming, directing, and acting. Growing up, I had many famous skate spots from videos nearby. I always like to revisit those spots and see if anything is still skate-able. Old Los Angeles schools feel magical! I think everyone has those spots that they saw the generation before them skate. Revisit those! The past has a lot to do with the future. Who knows?
If you could be on any board team that isn’t around anymore which team would it be?
In high school, I would play Counter Strike and had a Johnny Layton poster above my computer. After being killed by a camper and waiting for the level to restart, I would daydream about Johnny Layton skating to Patti Smith. Austin skating to Peggy Honeywell. Templeton on every trip, taking sick photos, nose blunting at demos, and driving a van around the US without iPhones! EPIC! 2006 Toy Machine! The 2006 Toy Machine team was iconic and it would be amazing to be a part of that era.
Give me your top 5 favorite skate vids of all time.
I didn’t put video parts of all time because it would be super boring (every Templeton part and every Ozar part) so I put parts that inspired me throughout the years.
Antwuan Dixon Baker 3
Mike Anderson 411
Ricky Krull Slap Magazine Part
Cooper Wilt Time to Shine
Damien Carabajal, H Street New Gen
Are you bummed that there’s another Tom K in the game? Have you thought about going by Thomas?
Tom Knox is the best! He is the best skateboarder, has three kids, a wife, and lives in London – one of the hardest places to skate. What he and Jacob do is magic! We are all just trying to keep up! It’s inspiring to see another Tom K making a name for himself in the skate world.
There’s a SLAP thread where some poster says you’re a tool. What kind of tool are you? Drill, screwdriver, hammer, paint chipper?
Since the screwdriver and the hammer are taken, I’ll be the crowbar. SHALOM
Are you the one who picks the music for some of your more recent parts?
I picked the music in the WKND intro part. I always loved that song playing in the background of the club scene in “American Psycho,” and I thought that it was perfect because it would tie into the business card skit. The song by Queen is one of my favorite Queen songs, and I asked Grant if he would be down. He was! If you look around on the internet, you can find “Cool Cat” with a few lines from Bowie in it!
For the Enter The Museum part, Matt Bublitz and I share a playlist and bounce songs back and forth. He found that Stephen Malkmus song!
The part before that, New Balance String Theory, I found that song by Parquet Courts. We were told to search for smaller labels so the music could clear. I looked for songs like I do for skate spots. The song ended up clearing, and I became friends with A. Savage, the guitar/singer of the band. He ended up doing my first graphic for WKND. I was really psyched on that one.
How do you discover new music?
I discover most music from movies I really like. If you watch Heat or Thief, listen to the music Michael Mann chooses to use. It’s there for a reason to make you feel a certain way. Brian Eno for the bank robbery scene in Heat, is a prime example of the director carefully using music to elevate the scene. Tangerine Dream scores the entire Thief movie. Any Tarantino or David Lynch movie also has amazing music choices. Some members of OMD scored the movie C.H.U.D. It’s crazy!
I love how some directors or music supervisors always choose the best music to match scenes and make you feel the vibe. One I can think of recently that I discovered was in Death Proof when Stuntman Mike is watching the girls ride the hood of the car and he takes off to kill them. They use the song “Riot in Thunder Alley,” which is from the movie Thunder Alley, an old movie about car racing. It makes that scene and vibe ten times more epic! The use of specific music choices within films can truly create the atmosphere and emotion the director is looking for.
Who won the fight at the beginning of the video, the patch of dirt or you?
I went back six times to win but in the end, the dirt won. It’s a humbling reminder that even the most skilled skaters are no match for nature.
Video by: Grant Yansura
Photo by: Dakota Mullins
Interview by: Ian Michna
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