Inspired by the iconic goofball editing of MTV and Adult Swim shows like Beavis and Butthead, The Tom Green Show, and Tim and Eric, Jenk TV brings a dose of that same chaotic energy to the skateboarding world. In this episode, the crew takes on the challenge of constructing a skateable box using only materials scavenged from the streets of New York City.
One of the unique aspects of NYC is the constant state of construction, which creates a readily available supply of discarded wood and metal. This episode showcases how a bit of resourcefulness can turn urban waste into a functional skateboarding obstacle. The Jenk TV team collaborated with their “construction-guru,” Mola, who also happens to own a car, to embark on a mission to find materials for their project. They aimed to “borrow” these materials to build a skate box.
With some unexpected assistance from a random passerby dressed as Mario, they successfully built a sturdy, angle-iron ledge. This skate box was then placed at TF West, a popular skate spot, for anyone to use and enjoy. This project encourages skaters to take initiative and create their own skateable environments, especially during times when access to traditional skateparks may be limited.
Taking inspiration from their own DIY ethos, the Jenk TV crew encourages viewers to build something for themselves. Whether it’s during a quarantine period or just a regular weekend, creating a skateable object can be a rewarding experience. Just be careful not to smash your finger with a hammer in the process!
The Crew
This project featured a diverse group of skaters including Chachi, Yaje Popson, Dew Stacks, Mola, Flaxxo, Rob Bryant, and Ken Yettie.
A group of skaters standing around the newly built skate box, ready to test it out.
The collective effort of these skaters highlights the collaborative spirit of the skateboarding community, where everyone contributes to making the scene more creative and accessible.
A close-up shot of the skate box, showing its angle-iron construction and the materials used.
The skate box, made from scavenged materials, demonstrates that you don’t need expensive resources to build something functional and fun.
A screenshot of the Jenk TV video, showing the chaotic and humorous style of their content.
The video, filmed and edited by Ian Michna and Alex Raspa, with editing by Rob Fraebel, embraces a playful, DIY approach that is a hallmark of Jenk TV. The team encourages viewers to share their own DIY projects on Facebook, and to report their shenanigans as “looting” on Instagram and Twitter.
This episode of Jenk TV not only delivers entertaining content but also promotes a message of resourcefulness and creativity within the skateboarding community. By scavenging and repurposing materials, the crew demonstrates that skateboarding is not just about athleticism, but also about ingenuity and community building. The construction of this skate box is a call to action, encouraging skaters to take a hands-on approach and create their own skateable spaces.
Additional Resources
For more Jenk TV episodes, check out their Jenk TV tag. Also, browse more skateboarding videos on their videos tag.