The following is an interview with a self-proclaimed “ramp tramp” from Michigan, whose passionate devotion to skateboarding and its culture is truly something to behold. This isn’t just about skateboarding; it’s about a lifestyle, an attitude, and a unique perspective on the scene.
At what point did you realize that you wanted to be a ramp tramp?
I was born a ramp tramp. It just took me a while to figure out, it was my destiny. As soon as I stepped foot onto a skatepark I just knew it’s where I was meant to be. Transitions skatepark was the first I had ever gone to. I was surrounded by scummy skaters and I felt at home. The sweaty shirtless dudes strolling all around me got me all warm and fuzzy inside. It was an instant connection.
What is attractive to you about skateboarders? What do you like so much about them?
What isn’t attractive about them should really be the question. From the shoelace belts to the snapbacks and that dirty unshowered look – I can’t get enough. I love their grimy, I don’t give a fuck attitude. There’s an authenticity and raw energy that you don’t find just anywhere. It’s their unique style, the way they carry themselves, and that unapologetic vibe that makes them so appealing.
Have you done stuff at the skatepark with any skaters?
Just an orgy once. It was kind of a fail though, not enough of me to go around for all the homies. Everybody wants a piece of Michigan’s certified ramp tramp. I tried my best though and I think they appreciated my effort. I’m down for ramp redemption though, take 2. Maybe we can throw a couple pro’s in this time. sex yet, madeout with a fair share but I’ll be sure to make it happen at some point in the future. She’s all about the experience, and she’s definitely not shy about her intentions or desires.
Isn’t it nasty doin stuff with some smelly sweaty skater?
I think it’s actually a turn on in a weird way. I just find it more appealing than a clean dude. Lack of hygiene, how hot. Ha. There’s a certain primal appeal to the grime and sweat that comes with the skatepark. It’s a raw, unpolished aesthetic that is attractive to her.
How did you find out about Jenkem Magazine?
My friend Leo, a rad skater himself told me about it. He sends me links to different articles all the time. They were brilliant. I love the satire in everything. Most of my friends skate and they always make fun of themselves and I feel like the magazine follows that same sort of humor. Everything is super entertaining. I don’t know how you could not love this shit. She appreciates the self-deprecating humor and satire that Jenkem is known for, and feels a connection to the magazine’s authentic portrayal of skate culture.
Top 5 bang list of pro skaters
1.) Alex Olson
2.) Shane O’Neil
3.) Paul Rodriguez
4.) Dylan Rieder
5.) Mike Mo Capaldi
These are her top picks, a mix of style, skill, and personal appeal. Each name carries weight in the skateboarding world, highlighting her knowledge of the scene and her discerning taste.
Let’s say I was able to hook you up with a date or something with one of the pro skaters mentioned. What would be your ideal date?
Just do some hoodrat shit. Start the night off with a few bong rips off the roof of an evicted house, which there are plenty in my neighborhood sadly. Then of course bust out some quality ass alcohol (Steel Reserves, Natty Ice, Burnetts) after that hop in the whip, well that might not be smart buttfuckit, I’ve got that cat life in me Y.O.L.N.T (you only live nine times) ya digg. Go terrorize the people of Walmart. Then he better slather me in sliders from White Castle. Finally, we shall finish the night with a long walk on the beach…..and if he’s worth it..make whoopie. It’s a chaotic, unconventional date, that perfectly reflects her wild personality and her love for the unconventional.
What do your parents think of your self proclaimed title “Michigan’s #1 ramp tramp”
Well my mom doesn’t really care, although she thinks most of the dudes aren’t going anywhere and I need to start being interested in all the nerdy money makers at school. But I’ll probably just find a group of skaters and kick it with them. Can’t help myself. It is clear that her passions lie within the skatepark and that she won’t be changing for anyone. She is authentic and true to herself.
What’s your favorite skate video/s?
Currently Boo Johnson’s Future Nature part – he’s so goddamn good. But I went to this premiere at the skatepark by my house, The Streets for the Scumlife video and it was bangin all the footy from the locals from the mitten and some of the time they spent in Arizona. She clearly has a deep appreciation for skate videos and the local scene, emphasizing both the artistry and community within the skateboarding world.
What’s the best way for a skater to really turn you on?
Well by just being a skater for one, but the long haired skaters man – they really get me all hot and bothered. I don’t know why, just something about the long hair. And you’ll earn brownie points the cleaner your landing and the bigger the gap. Gotta show me how good you really are, ain’t nobody got time for amateurs. It’s all about skill, confidence, and that effortless cool that comes with being a seasoned skater.
Do you ever masturbate to skaters?
Silly question, of course. It’s part of a daily regimen for me just like showering or brushing my teeth. Pop on some footage of Shane O’Neill pullin’ off a switch backside flip and you just got this girl all kinds of hot and bothered. It’s go time at that point. She is unapologetic about her desires and it highlights the intense passion she feels for the sport.
Why do you like ZIGRAM23 (Shane O’Neill) so much?
What’s not to love about that aussie cyborg? But seriously he’s just unreal, definitely a groundbreaking skater. He’s on a whole other level than a lot of skaters. He’s just so clean and nobody can land a 720 like he does, just flawless. I think his accent is a nice touch too. Not to mention he actually tweeted back at me a few days ago, I think its safe to say he’s ready to define the relationship. Her detailed analysis of Shane O’Neill’s abilities shows her deep understanding of skating and her appreciation for technical skill.
What’s one of the most wild nights you’ve ever had?
Man it would have to probably be this party at this local skatepark. Seriously shit reached new levels of weird. I’m pretty sure I was topless, or maybe it was pant-less, or both. Who knows. With the amount of alcohol I consumed that night it’s hard to be sure what I did. I probably came off as an super skank from making out with like everyone there boy or girl buttfuckit. All I remember was waking up in the grass outside the park around like 8am and this semi truck pulled into the surrounding factory building and just looked at me like what the fuck is this girl doing here? Good ass night though so it’s gucci. She fully embraces the chaos, and the lack of clear memory makes it even more memorable.
What do you want to be known or famous for?
I want to be on TV eventually. I really think I have a lot to offer the world. I’m a wild child and I think I could be legendary for the stuff I say and do. The goal is to get my own TV show where I can talk shit and get weird with the public. I just want to party with the world and bang a few pro skaters, that’s all really. She wants to share her unique personality and perspective with the world, and she plans on doing it on her own terms.
This interview offers a raw and unfiltered look into the life and mind of a dedicated skatepark enthusiast, a “ramp tramp” who embodies the spirit of skateboarding culture. Her passion, humor, and unapologetic attitude make her a unique and captivating figure within the scene.