Chet Childress: The Nomadic Skateboarder’s Perspective on Life, Travel, and Hangovers

Chet Childress, a 40-year-old professional skateboarder, embodies the spirit of a true wanderer. For two decades, he has crisscrossed Europe and the globe, living a life fueled by the thrill of new cities and the camaraderie of the skateboarding community. Fresh off the Cliche “Gypsy Life” tour, we caught up with this North Carolina native to delve into his nomadic existence, his unique outlook on life, and some unconventional hangover cures.

When you’re constantly on the move, do people ever mistake you for a hobo?

Probably. If they do, they don’t say anything. It’s actually kind of a rad defense mechanism. It keeps the annoying people away. It’s great when you can avoid those awkward conversations with people you went to school with who don’t recognize you anymore, like, “So, do you still skateboard man?!”… Please.

I heard you have a slightly crooked arm. Does it hinder you in any way?

Uhm… Nah. It doesn’t let me lift heavy stuff, that’s the main issue.

Does it affect your personal life, say, in terms of ‘self-care’?

[Laughs] No, not at all. I know this is Jenkem, but… no, it works just fine.

Where are you based at the moment?

Right now, I’m in Wilmington, North Carolina, just visiting. I was in Europe for the Cliche Gypsy Tour in June, and then I spent an extra month exploring Europe by train and skating. I’ve just been couch surfing, staying with friends. I haven’t paid rent for a couple of months. It’s like I’ll fly out for a week, come back for a week, then I’m gone for a month, back for a month.

You have a very nomadic lifestyle. How long do you typically stay in one place before the urge to travel kicks in?

It honestly depends on the situation: the sleeping arrangements, the people I’m skating with, the city, and even the biking. It’s a disease, really. After a week anywhere, I start losing it. I need change. It’s become a bit of a problem that I have to work on. I never thought at 40, I would still need this much change in my life. I know I’ll have to settle down someday, but for now, I could just keep going. A couple of weeks here, a couple of weeks there, that’s just the way it is.

At some point, you’re going to have to confront settling down, right?

Oh yeah, that’s gonna suck. I’m already mentally preparing for it. That’s probably why I’m staying so busy and on the road. I’m hoping to find that comfort zone, where I can live somewhere, find a job, and figure out where I fit into the world.

Are there any essential items you take on every trip?

Socks, some drawing pens… the same stuff everyone else takes. I’m learning to pack less. No more “asshole bag.” I just bring what I need. You always think you need a bunch of things when you go on a trip, but then you end up wearing the same clothes every single day. As I get older, I’m not trying to look fresh or hip. I’ve never really been that way. Now, I just remember those trips where I brought an extra pair of pants, or those three t-shirts, or a longsleeve I never wore and had to lug it all around.

What is the worst aspect of constantly traveling?

There isn’t one.

Do you have any retirement plans? Is your art something you see as a backup?

Nah, art isn’t a fallback plan. I do have an apartment and some old man money sitting in a bank account, but I don’t have a proper retirement plan, and my art isn’t going to fund it. Plus, I don’t want art to be tied to that kind of thing. I’ve been a pro skater for almost 15 or 20 years. Art is just something I enjoy doing, and luckily, skateboarding gives me a platform to share it. It’s difficult to succeed in that world. There are only a couple of people who can do it, and I definitely can’t. I like drawing pictures, but I’m just burnt out on it right now. I can’t produce what people want me to produce. I can only create what comes out of my own head. I’m not trying to be an “art dude.” I don’t even like that title, “art.”

What do you usually spend your money on?

Living… I don’t make a lot of money, so I put it towards gas, camping, and good food. I’m lucky to own an apartment in Portland, but I’ve never been one of those pro skaters that made a ton of money. I made decent money for the way I skate, and I’m stoked for it. I never expected to make it this far. I’m 40 years old and haven’t had a job since I was 21. Nike skateboarding has been a huge help to me. They’ve been so good to me. If I hadn’t started riding for them 10 years ago, my life would be completely different. They continue to support me.

“I’m 40 years old, I haven’t had a job since I was like 21.”

What are some of the most valuable things you own?

My damn Volvo that just blew up, which I’ll probably end up burying. That, my bicycle, and my skateboard.

How many miles did you put on your car and bike?

I probably put 100 miles a week on my bike. My Volvo just died at 230,000 miles. I bought it with 14,000 miles, and that car has been across the United States 20 or 30 times. It would have been to Europe if it could have floated. Now I’m dealing with these awful car dealers. It’s been a real heartbreak. I was on a plane when I heard my car blew up and I almost shed a tear. That car has been with me for so long. I’ve had it since 2001 and it’s 2014 or ‘15. It did me right.

Do you think you’re crazy?

I don’t know… No, I don’t think I’m crazy. I just think we’re all different. I feel insane at times, I feel lost, but that’s what keeps you going. It’s how I get through the day, what can I do to make myself sleep well at night. I need to ride my bike, go for a hike, skateboard. I can’t sit on the couch, ever. I don’t know how to nap. You always sleep so well when you’ve done a long bike ride, a hike, or a skate session. Anything to feel alive.

You don’t have days where you just sit in front of the TV and smoke weed?

Aw nah, that never happens. I get jealous of people who can do that. It’s just not for me. It’s boring. If I’m inside, I just get anxious and pace around.

I quit the stoner thing a while ago. I enjoy wine and beer, but I’m trying to cut back on the boozing. I love going to bars with my friends when I’m on the road, but I’m over wasting time at bars when I’m home. It’s better to just get up early, at 6 or 7 AM, and by noon, you’ve already accomplished so much.

When I was younger, I would go to Europe and just wait around for people to get up and get moving in the afternoon. All I cared about was filming a trick or getting a photo, and I didn’t appreciate where I was traveling. Now, I take advantage of as much as I can. I get up in the morning and explore the city instead of sitting around the hotel.

What’s the best thing about camping?

It’s rad to be constantly on the move. Camping gives you a different perspective and lets you appreciate your surroundings more. Bonding with your friends is also amazing. You’re finding a place to sleep, setting up camp, and cooking food together. When you’re camping, no one gets too comfortable. Everyone has to get up and get back on the road in the morning, unlike a hotel where people can take forever to get going. Out in the woods, there aren’t many distractions, so you just rest and drink by the fire instead of chasing girls. Your hangover is also 10 times less when you sleep under the stars. It’s a hangover cure, I swear. I think it’s just the extra oxygen.

“I got a hangover cure for everyone, don’t fucking sit at home and whine.”

Do you have any other secret hangover cures?

No… Wake up, drink another beer. Actually, I do, don’t sit at home and whine. It doesn’t matter what condition you’re in, get outside and get after it. Clean your house, do anything. Don’t be a little bitch about your hangover. I see too many people that just suck at hangovers. The number one cure for a hangover is getting up and doing things. You’ll feel much better in the long run. Even if you can barely walk, go for a walk.

You seem to have found your voice in your skating and art. How does one discover that, or does it just come with age?

I think it comes with age and time. Who you hang out with, what you do, and what makes you tick. You find what’s right for you. It’s pretty amazing when you see a 20-year-old who has already found themselves. If they find it that young, they are definitely set by 40 or 50. I found all of this about 10 years ago. I was fortunate to go on so many amazing skate trips with so many different people. It was insane. My first tour when I was 16 was with Wade Speyer, Karma Tsocheff, and Cardiel. I got to go on all these unreal missions. I’m really lucky.

“I wanna do more, but if it did happen – if I died trying to get somewhere, I won.”

Have you ever thought you were going to die on any of these trips?

Nah, not yet. There were a couple of flights where I thought I was a goner, and I was just like, “alright, here we go!” Crazy turbulence, the plane kept dropping. There was an Indian woman in front of me screaming and praying out loud. I thought, “Oh shit, this is it.”

But then I was like, “I lived a good life, I’d rather die on this plane than die doing something dumb. If the plane went down right now, I could deal with it.” I want to do more, but if I die trying to get somewhere, I win. You know what I mean? People are scared to get on planes or travel, I’d rather die trying to see something radical than sit around and gather dust.

Interview by: Ian Michna

Chet would like to thank his sponsors: Heroin Skateboards, Independent Trucks, OJ Wheels, Stumptown Coffee, Nike SB, Krew, Alive & Well, Jammy Pack.

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