Hilarious Party Pranks for Skaters: Spice Up Your Next Social Gathering

Let’s face it, parties can get dull. You’re nursing a lukewarm beer, your usual conversation starters are failing, and leaving early isn’t an option. So, why not liven things up with a bit of harmless mischief? Forget the awkward small talk and embrace some Dennis the Menace-inspired fun. Here are a few hilarious party pranks, some might get you a laugh, others might get you punched, but they are guaranteed to make your next gathering memorable. Use them at your own risk.

A cartoon drawing of a group of people at a party, with one person pulling a prank on another, capturing the chaotic energy of a social gathering gone slightly wrongA cartoon drawing of a group of people at a party, with one person pulling a prank on another, capturing the chaotic energy of a social gathering gone slightly wrong

The Koston Prank

Remember Eric Koston’s legendary outburst in Yeah, Right!? The raw emotion and hilarious reaction is something to behold. Channel that energy at your next party. Secretly slip your wallet into someone’s pocket and then confront them with your best Koston impersonation. Bonus points for grabbing their shirt and yelling, “You fucking son of a bitch!” or another Koston-esque line. This prank combines unexpected confrontation with a classic skate reference.

A cartoon drawing of Eric Koston yelling at someone, referencing a famous moment from the skate video Yeah RightA cartoon drawing of Eric Koston yelling at someone, referencing a famous moment from the skate video Yeah Right

The Hardware Headache

Skate events often have a “coat check” for skateboards, an inherently flawed system when alcohol is involved. Take advantage of this chaos by switching around the trucks on your friends’ boards while they’re distracted. Combine a loose Ace with a Thunder Lo, or a Venture with a heavy Indy. The result? Watching your friends eat pavement when they expect a familiar setup. It’s a subtle but hilarious prank for those in the know. This highlights the importance of personal setup in skateboarding and how disruptive changes can be.

A cartoon drawing of various skateboard trucks, illustrating the hardware headache prank of swapping trucks on friends skateboardsA cartoon drawing of various skateboard trucks, illustrating the hardware headache prank of swapping trucks on friends skateboards

The Fucking Awesome Merch

Comedian John Mulaney tells a joke about a friend who steals antique family photos from parties because they are irreplaceable. While we won’t encourage you to mess with family history, there’s a similar prank to be had. Find an embarrassing childhood photo of a friend, ideally from a family album in a closet or storage space. Then, plaster that image on everything – t-shirts, stickers, even skateboards. Not only are you pranking your friend, but you can also make a bit of money off the sales. Now that’s what we call fucking awesome.

A cartoon drawing of a t-shirt with a goofy, embarrassing childhood photo printed on it, representing the fucking awesome prankA cartoon drawing of a t-shirt with a goofy, embarrassing childhood photo printed on it, representing the fucking awesome prank

The Clip Tripper

Has your filmer been slacking or missing crucial angles? Here’s your chance for some payback. When they’re distracted, grab their camera bag and record a bunch of “hand-over-fisheye” clips of failed tricks. When they go to capture footage, their hard drive will be filled with bails instead of the killer tricks they were hoping for. Disclaimer: This prank only works if your filmer uses tapes and is not recommended if you are seriously filming a part. This prank targets the specific world of skate filmmaking, adding a touch of humor for those in the know about the technical side of skating.

A cartoon drawing of a camera with a fisheye lens, representing the clip tripper prank for filmmakersA cartoon drawing of a camera with a fisheye lens, representing the clip tripper prank for filmmakers

The VH-Yes Prank

We all have that one friend who brags about their skate VHS collection and insists on showing them off at every gathering. Swap out a classic 411 #whogivesafuck tape with a hot and nasty porn video. For maximum impact, use a video like Alien Workshop’s Mindfield or Flip’s Sorry – something you know they watch frequently. It’s just a matter of time before a very unexpected Jake Johnson scene plays at full volume, leaving everyone wondering what’s happening in the living room. This prank plays on the nostalgia of VHS culture and the awkwardness of accidental adult content.

A cartoon drawing of a VHS tape being swapped out, representing the VH-Yes prank on a friend's skate video collectionA cartoon drawing of a VHS tape being swapped out, representing the VH-Yes prank on a friend's skate video collection

The Gripped and Ripped

This one’s simple: Griptape the toilet seat. Use a fresh sheet of Mob griptape for maximum discomfort. This low-effort prank is sure to produce a memorable reaction. It’s a classic that’s easy to execute and always gets a laugh.

A cartoon drawing of a griptaped toilet seat, representing the simple yet effective gripped and ripped prankA cartoon drawing of a griptaped toilet seat, representing the simple yet effective gripped and ripped prank

The Pro Party Prank

This is the most elaborate prank of the bunch. It involves organizing a fake surprise party, printing a fake pro graphic on a bunch of boards, and getting everyone involved. The cruelty comes from watching your friend’s eyes light up when they think their skateboarding hard work has finally paid off, only to have their dreams crushed when the TM call reveals the truth. This prank takes dedication, but the payoff is unparalleled. This prank explores the aspiration of going pro and the harsh reality of the skate industry.

A cartoon drawing of a group of people at a party, some holding skateboards with fake pro graphics, representing the elaborate pro party prankA cartoon drawing of a group of people at a party, some holding skateboards with fake pro graphics, representing the elaborate pro party prank

These party pranks are designed to bring some chaotic energy to your next social gathering. They are meant to be lighthearted and fun, but always use discretion, and be prepared for varied reactions. Remember, the goal is to create a memorable night for everyone, even if it involves a bit of harmless pranking. Have fun and skate safe.

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