The Brutal Truth: Why Downhill Skateboarding Both Sucks and Rocks

Downhill skateboarding, an activity that has profoundly impacted my life, is a paradox. It’s a source of immense joy, yet it comes with its fair share of frustrations. From the strange looks to the painful road rash, there are aspects that undeniably suck. So, what is it about this sport that keeps me, and so many others, coming back? Let’s explore the two sides of this downhill coin.

The Harsh Realities of Downhill Skateboarding

A Grueling Learning Curve

Downhill skateboarding is not for the faint of heart. The learning curve is incredibly steep. Mastering basic slides and gaining enough skill to confidently navigate hills at high speed takes time and dedication. Rushing the process can lead to serious injuries. It’s a commitment, requiring hours of practice to develop the necessary skills for safely bombing hills. Many struggle with the basics, even after years of practice, highlighting how challenging it is to get started.

The Constant Pain

Pain is an inherent part of downhill skateboarding. From stretching to maintain form, to the minor aches from regular sessions, and the significant injuries like broken bones and dislocations, the discomfort is often present. While falls and serious injuries may decrease over time, the pain from stretching and the general wear and tear on the body remains a constant.

The Lack of Mainstream Respect

Downhill skateboarding often receives confused and disapproving looks from parents, employers, and even strangers. Few truly understand the skill and dedication involved. Unless you’re an internationally ranked professional, it’s difficult to gain respect for the sport. People may acknowledge the speed and danger, but they rarely appreciate the hard work that goes into achieving that level of skill. The common perception is often “You’re crazy,” or “You’re on drugs,” which is incredibly frustrating for those who pour their time and energy into the sport.

While street skateboarding has gained mainstream acceptance, downhill has a long way to go. It may never become a mainstream activity, but its legitimacy is constantly questioned by those outside the community.

Zero Street Cred

Downhill skateboarding, for many, is not cool. It’s an activity that can actually lower your street cred in the eyes of some. The dedication and effort put into the sport are often unappreciated. Trying to impress someone with your downhill skateboarding skills can be met with indifference, or even a lack of interest. It’s a harsh reality for those who invest so much of their time and passion into this niche sport.

A Financial Drain

Downhill skateboarding is a significant financial investment with little to no financial return. Even the most skilled riders struggle to make a living from the sport. Paid sponsorships and opportunities are rare. While free gear is great, it doesn’t pay the bills. The money spent on wheels, trucks, and gear could be used for other things, yet many prioritize their passion despite the cost. Many hours are spent creating content with little financial reward, further emphasizing the financial sacrifices made for the love of the sport.

The Inherent Danger

The danger of downhill skateboarding is a constant concern. The risk of serious injury or even death is ever-present, causing anxiety before each session. There’s always a worry of whether you can assist a fellow rider in need, and how you might cope with telling a loved one if something tragic were to happen. Despite taking safety precautions, the unpredictable nature of the sport means that there is always a risk.

The Exhilarating Joys of Downhill Skateboarding

An Unparalleled Feeling of Being Alive

Downhill skateboarding offers a unique and intense challenge. From physical improvements to understanding gear and refining your own style, the sport pushes you to grow and improve. Few activities capture interest and drive improvement as much as skateboarding. The feeling of going fast on a skateboard, taking the perfect line through a corner and reaching maximum speed is unparalleled.

In these moments, you are completely absorbed in the present. The body is relaxed, the mind is focused, and everything else fades away. It’s an incredible, albeit scary, experience. The bond developed with friends while pushing limits together is a feeling that is hard to replicate elsewhere.

A Newfound Appreciation for Life

After a run, in those quiet moments catching your breath, a deep sense of gratitude for life sets in. It’s a realization that you are incredibly lucky to experience this feeling. This appreciation of the present moments makes you wonder what other experiences you are missing. Despite the risks, the extensive safety precautions taken, such as using walkie-talkies, spotters, and sliding early, allow skaters to enjoy the sport while minimizing danger. The goal is to get down the hill safely and do it all over again.

An Incredible Community

Despite the drama and disagreements within the community, downhill skateboarding has some of the most incredible people you could ever encounter.

From friends met online to those met in person, the community is incredibly welcoming and inclusive. There’s a sense of belonging, respect, and appreciation. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done, you are accepted as a fellow rider.

The Reward Outweighs the Pain

The learning curve may have been difficult, but it was worth it in the end. The challenges and frustrations make the eventual successes that much more satisfying. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy, and the hard work required for downhill skateboarding is a great example of this.

The Unimportance of Others’ Opinions

What others think about your passion for downhill skateboarding is ultimately irrelevant. This sport is about how it makes you feel. It’s about the escape and the freedom it provides. If you gain some street cred or impress a stranger, that’s a bonus, but it should never be the main focus. Don’t forget the real reason you started skating.

A Catalyst for Personal Growth

Downhill skateboarding has the power to make you a better person. It can make you question your values, expectations, career choices, and even your friendships. If skateboarding interferes with certain aspects of your life, maybe it’s a good thing you are missing those things. It helps you realize what is truly important to you. If someone looks down on you for skateboarding, they’re not someone you need in your life anyway.

A Passport to New Places and Experiences

Downhill skateboarding can take you to places you never thought you would go, or even considered. The sport has a global reach, connecting people from all over the world. It broadens your understanding of other cultures, languages, and geographies.

The worldwide network of downhill skaters is a testament to the universal appeal of the sport.

An Inspiration for Self-Improvement

Downhill skateboarding has been the catalyst for learning new skills and taking on new challenges. From video editing to writing, the sport has pushed many people to explore their hidden talents and to create. Success in these areas and the recognition it brings can be extremely rewarding. This mindset of self-improvement and taking on challenges can be applied to all aspects of life.

A Source of Stability and Sanity

When life gets chaotic, skateboarding provides an escape. It helps to clear the mind and regain perspective, reminding you that there is stability and balance to be found. Skateboarding can be a powerful tool for mental health, and often provides more support than many realize.

What’s Your Take on Downhill?

The downsides to downhill skateboarding are often superficial. Not every day can be perfect. This is real life, and things can and will be difficult at times. We do this sport because it’s fun and enjoyable. We didn’t get into it to make millions of dollars or gain validation from others. The main goal is enjoyment and if you’re not having fun, then take a step back and figure out what’s going wrong.

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