10 Ways to Conserve Weed When You’re Broke

It’s a harsh reality: weed, like all good things, isn’t free and requires money to replenish. Whether you’re buying from a guy in a skatepark parking lot, a friend’s basement, or a fancy dispensary, keeping your stash stocked requires cash.

All smokers know the struggle of maintaining a steady supply when money is tight. While you could try earning extra cash by side hustling or attempting to make money as a skate filmer, the best strategy is to find ways to stretch your weed further. If you’re burning through your weed faster than your income allows, consider these tips to help conserve your weed.

These ten tricks can help you maximize your weed consumption, even when you’re on a budget.

A person using a homemade gravity bong.A person using a homemade gravity bong.

Embrace the Gravity Bong

Homemade gravity bongs may seem like a low-end smoking method, but if it was good enough in your parents’ bathroom, it’s good enough for your apartment. Gravity bongs require only a tiny amount of weed to get you incredibly high, more than enough to get you where you need to be.

If you don’t already have one, building a gravity bong isn’t too difficult. Although the construction can be a bit of a hassle, what else do you have to do all day? You’re already committed to getting high, so might as well do it efficiently!

A hand rolling a spliff with tobacco and cannabis.A hand rolling a spliff with tobacco and cannabis.

Spliff It Up

While weed is fantastic on its own, rolling a solo joint can be wasteful. Combining it with a cheaper substance can save you 20-60% of your weed, depending on the ratio. Tobacco is a popular addition, providing a head rush.

If you avoid tobacco, there are alternative herbs and spices like lavender, damiana, chamomile, and marshmallow leaves. These can be added to joints, blunts, bongs, and bowls. These fillers not only reduce weed consumption, but they also offer unique flavors.

A person cutting off a moocher friend.A person cutting off a moocher friend.

Cut Off the Moochers

It’s unfortunate when you have to exclude your freeloading friends from the group chat. However, when money is tight, it might be necessary. This doesn’t mean you can’t hang out; just text them after you’ve gotten high. If you want to save money and weed, ditch the mooch.

A person mooching weed.A person mooching weed.

Start Mooching

If cutting off friends is too difficult, become a freeloader yourself. Only smoke with employed people, make excuses to avoid using your stash, and soon, you’ll be getting high with everyone, from high schoolers to moms.

Cannabis butter on toast with honey.Cannabis butter on toast with honey.

Bake Weed Butter

Pre-made edibles can be cost-effective, but baking your weed into butter is even cheaper. You might miss the smoking aspect, but you’ll discover new ways to get high.

Spread the butter on toast, pasta, or cookies. The possibilities are endless, given how much butter is used in cooking. If you don’t like butter, you can infuse your weed into honey. An eighth of weed can make about a cup of butter.

Pills organized in a pillbox.Pills organized in a pillbox.

Ration Your Nugs

Organization and rationing are key to successful budgeting. Use a pill organizer to divide your weed into daily portions. If done correctly, an eighth can last two weeks. This requires self-control, but you should notice savings in a few weeks.

Cheap cannabis in a plastic bag.Cheap cannabis in a plastic bag.

Buy Cheaper Weed

If you can’t control your intake, control what you intake. Buy cheaper weed. Instead of ordering expensive weed, find a local source selling cheaper options. If you’re using a gravity bong, you won’t notice the difference anyway.

A person hiding their weed.A person hiding their weed.

Hide Your Weed

This method is for those who smoke until they’re out of it. Before taking that hit that sends you into oblivion, hide your weed where you won’t remember. You can’t smoke it if you can’t find it! Try hiding it in a cereal box or toilet tank—anywhere you wouldn’t normally look.

Just don’t hide it in your car, or the police might find it.

Just Stop

Just kidding.

By implementing these strategies, you can conserve weed and continue enjoying it, even when facing financial constraints.

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