The Art of the Mob Flip: A Look at Skateboarding’s Most Stylishly “Wrong” Trick

Mob flips, those visually captivating deviations from textbook skateboarding technique, occupy a unique space in the skateboarding world. They are the rebellious basement demo tapes of the skate world, a stark contrast to the polished pop mega-tricks that dominate the mainstream. When executed by the right skater, at the right location, and in the right video, they are not just acceptable, they are celebrated. This article pays homage to some of the most iconic mob flips ever captured on film, reminding us that sometimes, breaking the rules can lead to true innovation and style.

Mob Flip Skateboard Trick IllustrationMob Flip Skateboard Trick Illustration

Mark Gonzales – Thrasher (1993)

While not universally loved, the mob flip has an undeniable charm, especially when it’s performed by Mark Gonzales. This particular kickflip, done at breakneck speed, has set an unachievable standard for mob flips, showcasing a level of natural, unforced brilliance that most can only dream of. The Gonz simply throws his board in front of him and lands back on it with effortless style, it’s an iconic moment in skate history. This is a prime example of how a seemingly “wrong” technique can become legendary.

Una Farrar – Goodnews (2022)

Una Farrar demonstrates how to follow up a surprising back 50 push-off grind with a mob flip that’s so casual, it’s almost nonchalant. Her front foot appears to go completely under the board, a testament to the raw, almost reckless beauty of a well-executed mob. Whether it was intentional or not, this moment captures the essence of the modern mob, showcasing that even the most unconventional tricks can be stylish and captivating.

Shawn Powers – Powers Surge (2013)

Shawn Powers takes a different approach to the mob flip. Instead of appearing effortless, his mob flip is imbued with a quiet intensity, almost as if he’s irritated that he even has to do the trick. The way his board levitates at such an odd angle before returning to his feet adds a spicy, unexpected element. What makes this trick even more special is that he immediately continues the line, nailing a proper fakie flip, proving the mob was a deliberate choice, not an accident. This unique style sets him apart from other skaters.

Jim Greco – Baker has a Deathwish (2008)

Jim Greco deserves his own dictionary of skateboarding terms, and this switch mob down Carlsbad Gap would definitely be one of the defining entries. The poetic moment where his front foot almost goes behind him, performing an imaginary foot plant in mid-air, is truly mesmerizing. Combined with the fisheye lens, blown-out colors, and droning music, it’s a hypnotic example of a mob flip, elevated to an art form. Greco’s mastery of the switch mob is a testament to his innovative approach to skateboarding.

Alex Gourdouros – Thanks Camera 3 (2008)

Alex Gourdouros takes the mob flip to another level, so much so that it looks like he’s performing an airwalk before the board returns to his feet. He doesn’t stop there, however. He adds a “rocket” action to the mix, increasing the risk of a credit card-worthy slam. This is the definition of “sexy ugly,” a top-tier mob flip that’s so outrageous that it’s irresistibly captivating. Alex pushes the boundaries of what a mob flip can be with this incredible trick.

Jeff DeChesare – Upstream (2021)

While it might be a bit of a stretch, Jeff DeChesare’s nollie double flip simply had to be included in this list. This trick miraculously rockets both ways, showcasing a level of chaotic, uncontrolled energy. Unlike the other mob flips on this list, Jeff isn’t trying to make it look effortless; he’s just trying to land it safely. This wild attempt is a reminder that sometimes the most interesting tricks are the ones where the skater is just barely hanging on.

Brian Anderson – Modus Operandi (2000)

Despite coming from a generation of mob flippers, Brian Anderson isn’t known for being a habitual mobber. That’s why when BA executes a beautiful mob flip in the middle of a line, culminating in a noseslide on a handrail, it grabs our attention. This unexpected moment demonstrates that even skaters known for their technical prowess can appreciate the simple beauty of a well-timed mob. Brian’s mob flip adds an extra layer of style to his already impressive skateboarding.

Danny Way – Questionable (1992)

Traveling back to 1992, Danny Way’s double flip would have been considered bolts, highlighting how far skateboarding has evolved since then. In an era where skaters often flipped and prayed, Danny “stomping” a double flip down a relatively large set was an epic achievement. Don’t let the Mega Ramp stunts overshadow his street skating prowess, this early-90s clip showcases the beauty of his gyroscopic movements and his top tier skateboarding abilities.

Mark Gonzales – Real to Reel (2001)

Like so many things in skateboarding, this journey starts and ends with The Gonz. This particular mob flip, executed while tearing down a busy street and soaring high above his board, is a perfect example of Mark’s unique style and loose approach. This is what happens when your skating is so free and unbound, anything seems possible. Gonz’s style is all his own, making him a true skateboarding icon.

In conclusion, the mob flip represents a fascinating contradiction in skateboarding, a trick that’s technically wrong, but aesthetically compelling. These skaters have demonstrated that breaking the rules can lead to some of the most memorable and stylish moments in the history of skateboarding. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, the mob flip reminds us all to embrace our own unique style and have fun while we’re out on the board.

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