Vince Palmer: From Milan Streets to Baker Skateboards

Vince Palmer, also known as “Chicken Little,” is quickly becoming a recognizable name in skateboarding. This 18-year-old Milan-based skater has garnered attention for his smooth style and technical tricks, landing him spots in Nike and Bill Strobeck videos, and ultimately, a coveted position with Baker Skateboards. But who is the person behind the nickname and impressive skate clips? We caught up with Vince for his first official interview to delve into his background, influences, and thoughts on everything from skateboarding to conspiracy theories.

Vince’s journey into skateboarding was influenced by his move to Milan at a young age. He initially grew up in Germany, and upon arriving in Italy, he didn’t speak a word of Italian. He believes that his whole life would be drastically different if he hadn’t moved to Milan, suggesting that the city and its vibrant skate scene played a pivotal role in shaping his path. This early exposure led him to the local skate spot, Centrale, where he quickly became a fixture. “I’m sure if I hadn’t come here I wouldn’t be skating. I’d have a totally different life for sure,” Vince reflects. He also credits the Rat Ratz crew, a group of Milanese skaters he grew up filming with, for fostering his growth and productive nature.

The nickname “Chicken Little” came about spontaneously at Centrale. Vince was wearing a specific outfit – a polo shirt, hat, and glasses – when a friend jokingly likened him to the character from the animated film, and it stuck. Although he admits he prefers to be called by his real name, he acknowledges that the nickname is an inseparable part of his identity, and he can’t imagine changing it now. “I remember, as soon as my friend gave me the nickname, everybody called me Chicken Little and it became normal really quickly. I’m 18 now, so maybe I’m too old, but I can’t ever change it. It’s a part of me,” he shares.

Vince’s linguistic skills are impressive; he speaks Italian, German, and English fluently, and is also picking up French. His multicultural background has enriched his perspective and likely contributes to his open-mindedness. When asked about which language his parents yell at him in, he laughs and replies, “Both. It’s like a mix. We put some German words in Italian phrases. It gets all mixed up.”

Vince has been posting skate clips on Instagram since he was very young. He recalls being an “annoying kid” who constantly asked to be filmed. He used to spend hours making edits on iMovie. He admits to having plenty of embarrassing archived posts but appreciates looking back at his early clips as a way to see how far he’s come. “A bit embarrassing, but it’s cool to look back and be like “Damn, I’m so small.” I remember, just when I started skating, one of my first IG skate posts I did was like a boneless 180 flip variation and was like “I just invented the 180 boneless flip! Hell yeah”,” he laughs.

When asked about the possibility of sharing his last name with the well-known skater Max Palmer, he replied, “I’ve thought about this before. I like Max Palmer a lot. I watched all the 917 videos when I was younger, and I was stoked on having the same last name.” He also talks about Nils, another skater in his crew who looks remarkably similar to him, sparking the idea of him being a stunt double. “Maybe if I give him my glasses he could take over for me,” Vince jokes.

Despite his growing presence in the skate world, Vince still lives with his parents and attends school. He sees the importance of having a back-up plan and is committed to finishing his diploma. “Of course I want to pursue skateboarding as a living, but I need to have a back up plan,” he admits. However, once finished, he is eager to travel and explore new skate spots, mentioning that he’s considering spending some time in Paris. He does notice the influence his style has had on his peers at school, where baggy pants have gone from being perceived as “clown pants” to the norm.

Vince is very mature about pursuing skateboarding as a career, understanding that education is important. “That thought crossed my mind a couple of times, but I want to have a plan B if something doesn’t work out. It’s good to have a diploma. I didn’t want to risk it,” he says. His dedication to both his education and passion demonstrates a pragmatic approach to his future.

Among his many Instagram follows, he was most excited when Ishod Wair, a skater he greatly admires, followed him back. This admiration for other skaters is apparent when he talks about how he got hooked up with Baker Skateboards. He recalls Andrew Reynolds noticing him at Centrale and posting his clip on his story. This led to a connection with Andrew and eventually, he was sent boards and officially joined the team. He says Rowan is his favorite Baker skater of all time. He also mentions Vincent Touzery and Antwuan Dixon as skaters that have influenced him. “Recently I’ve been really into Antwuan Dixon’s Baker Has a Deathwish part. I think that might be my favorite part of all time, at least right now,” he states.

Musically, Vince is into a variety of artists including Young Thug, SahBabii, Future, and 454. He appreciates the originality and style of their music. He even has a Young Thug tattoo, inspired by the album cover of Jeffery, and the song “Wyclef Jean.” He is definitely a supporter of the Free YSL movement.

Beyond skateboarding, Vince is an avid chess player, having participated in tournaments with an ELO rating between 800-1000 on He also said that he would consider walking in a fashion show, citing Alex Olson’s appearance in a Louis Vuitton show as an inspiration.

The Strobeck effect is real, according to Vince. His appearance in Stallion brought a lot of attention to his crew. “It was the first really, really good video me and all my friends were in,” he says. He has been in some sketchy situations while filming, including an attempted robbery where he was strangled but refused to let go of his chain, forcing him to be more cautious where he goes and who he is around. He now wears his chain inside his shirt for safety.

He also describes his experiences visiting New York, where he felt small and had trouble getting clips the first time around, but the second trip was more productive. He enjoyed the American breakfast food but found it challenging to eat well and affordably. He had the opportunity to visit Strobeck’s apartment and see his infamous photo spot.

Vince does not smoke cigarettes, although he does enjoy a cappuccino, staying true to his Italian heritage. He mentions that his celebrity crush is Ana de Armas from Blade Runner 2049.

He also shares his thoughts about the ledges in Milan, which he acknowledges are not perfect, but have a unique charm. He loves the sound the marble makes when skateboarding on them. “Maybe we don’t have the best ledges in the world, but for someone who doesn’t live here, when they come here they might think they’re the best in the world,” he explains.

Finally, he says that Violet has not yet reached out to him about riding for them.

Vince Palmer, “Chicken Little,” is an exciting new talent in the skateboarding world. He’s not only a skilled skater but also a thoughtful and well-rounded individual with a clear vision for his future. His unique perspective, combined with his passion and talent for skateboarding, makes him one to watch as he continues to make his mark on the global skate scene.

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