Pass~Port: Where Skateboarding Meets Australian Music

Pass~Port is a major name for Australian skateboarders, a company that has achieved international recognition while staying true to its Australian roots. This success not only highlights the brand’s unique identity but also gives well-deserved recognition to skaters who choose to remain in Australia rather than moving to the US. Trent Evans, the owner, has been instrumental in showcasing the Australian skate scene, as well as incorporating local art and music into the brand’s identity. To mark its 11th anniversary, Pass~Port is releasing a vinyl record featuring 11 tracks from Australian artists used in their videos. We talked to Trent about the importance of music in the brand’s image and his process for song selection.

Trent Evans, owner of Pass~PortTrent Evans, owner of Pass~Port

The Role of Music in Pass~Port’s Identity

Music is fundamental to Pass~Port’s brand image. Their deep connection with the local Australian music scene allows them to discover unique sounds and artists that overseas brands might miss. Trent’s personal involvement in the music scene, from playing in bands to attending gigs and listening to radio, gives him an edge in finding perfect tracks for their edits. He explains, “When I’m at a gig or listening to the radio, in the back of my head I’m always thinking, ‘Can we use that for an edit?'” This approach allows Pass~Port to introduce new Australian bands to an international audience.

While Trent is open to many genres, he admits that some styles, like the “2022 emo” sound, can be challenging for him. However, his willingness to explore different musical avenues ensures that Pass~Port’s soundtrack is always fresh and diverse.

Music on the Road and in the Studio

In the Pass~Port van, the music is a mix of Trent’s selections and the team’s varied tastes. Trent typically starts with a few of his tracks before the younger team members take over with a mix of trap, rap, and pop. This dynamic reflects the brand’s mix of experience and youthful energy.

When it comes to using tracks from Pass~Port videos, Trent doesn’t hold any grudges but notices when other brands reuse their music, especially from European and East Coast brands. He jokes, “Maybe they can’t hear us from Down~Under?” He also points out the overuse of the “2022 emo” genre in skate videos.

Trent Evans performing a pivot fakieTrent Evans performing a pivot fakie

Trent believes that music is as important as board graphics in defining a brand’s image, emphasizing that choosing the right song for a video is critical. He states, “It’s something that I think every brand takes pretty seriously, and if they don’t take that side seriously then why are they doing it?” The collaboration between skateboarders and filmers is crucial to ensure that the music complements the hard work put into the skateboarding itself.

When working with larger brands like Nike and Vans, Pass~Port retains creative control over the soundtrack. This allows them to stay true to their unique style and choose music that resonates with the brand, the skaters, and the project at hand.

Music budgets for skate videos vary depending on the project. For some tracks, Pass~Port has paid upwards of $7,000, showing their commitment to quality and uniqueness. They also consider the riders’ preferences when selecting music, often consulting them for input and utilizing their playlists to ensure that the music is a good match. Trent explains, “I’ve always put the feelers out there with riders wherever they may be from – if they’ve got any ideas for music or any local stuff they are into.”

Pass~Port studio setupPass~Port studio setup

Navigating Music Rights

Securing music rights can involve various methods, including emails, phone calls, and networking. Many artists and labels are receptive to being part of a skate video, understanding Pass~Port’s reputation for quality work. However, there are instances when rights are difficult to obtain, leading to a “risk-assess” approach for some tracks. Trent also notes that copyright issues can sometimes result in videos being taken down or muted on platforms like YouTube.

Trent has found interesting ways to discover music. For instance, he has found songs in taxis or Ubers. He shares, “It might be someone driving of foreign descent, they’ll have a song on, and I’ll do the normal thing of starting a conversation or maybe I’ll Shazam it.” Sometimes these conversations even lead to more recommendations.

Trent Evans with vinyl recordsTrent Evans with vinyl records

Trent also highlights his appreciation for artists like Lil Ugly Mane, whose ability to explore diverse genres has made a strong impression. He respects his work ethic and is grateful for his willingness to collaborate with Pass~Port.

Creative Collaboration and Vision

The collaboration with filmer and editor Geoff Campbell is vital to the creative process. While they may have differing opinions, they always come to a consensus that benefits the brand and the skaters. Trent explains, “If someone’s not into a track or they’ve got a recommendation and one of us isn’t happy, we’ll at least start building a playlist of tracks that are in a similar vein.” This process ensures that everyone is happy with the final product. Trent admits that working with Geoff, an opinionated person, can be challenging but leads to better results. He states, “We’re very honest and open with each other and we’d both rather be opinionated and get our ideas across than just be a ‘Yes Man.’”

Pass~Port vinyl recordPass~Port vinyl record

The 11-Year Vinyl Record

The idea for the 11-year anniversary vinyl record came from Trent’s long-standing love of vinyl. He wanted to create a tangible item that celebrated the brand’s history through its music. The record features 11 tracks from Australian artists, curated to fit within the time constraints of a vinyl record. This project is more than just a product; it’s a way of showcasing the brand’s body of work through music.

Trent reveals his favorite song used in a Pass~Port video is Low Life’s “Dogging,” which was featured in Jack O’Grady’s Kitsch part. He explains how seeing a crowd of young skaters singing the lyrics at a gig was a special moment for him.

Trent Evans with a record playerTrent Evans with a record player

Looking ahead, Pass~Port will continue to explore new music and expand its reach. The brand has a studio equipped for recording and is starting a mini record label to release their anniversary record. Trent also hints at the possibility of Pass~Port becoming a full-fledged record label in the future.


Pass~Port’s approach to music highlights how important it is in branding and connecting with audiences. Their dedication to Australian talent and their collaborative approach to music selection make them a leader in the skate industry. The 11-year anniversary vinyl record is a testament to their achievements and their ongoing commitment to music and skateboarding.

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