After witnessing Shaun Currie’s impressive skateboarding in the latest Skateboard Cafe video, we knew we had to connect with him. Shaun has consistently brought his unique style and personality to their videos over the years, and his comedic timing makes him a standout figure in the skateboarding scene. While originally planned as a phone interview, we were fortunate enough to have our friend Viktor capture a day of skating with Shaun in Sheffield. This bite-sized feature offers a glimpse into the good times and laughs that a full day with Shaun would bring.
Q&A with Shaun Currie
Q: Tips to last longer in bed?
A: Have like 47 wanks before sex. That should make you last a long time I think [laughs].
Q: Tips for having to shit while out skating?
A: I’d just go into a Wetherspoons, which is a chain restaurant in the UK. They don’t say anything to you. If you don’t have that option, I’d go to a restaurant and pretend I’m interested in the menu or say I’m waiting for a friend. While “waiting,” I’ll ask to use the toilet and then leave [laughs]. I’ve done that before, but I probably should have just asked to use the toilet. They would have been cool with it. Stupid me.
Q: Funniest sketch in a skate video?
A: Mate, there are so many, but a recent one that comes to mind is in the WKND skateboard video Bottle Neck Sewage. It’s when Jordan Taylor and his friend are on a little boat fishing and his friend accidentally rips his wig off with a fishing hook. Jordan is freaking out, but the other guy, who is also bald, is smiling like everything is fine. Then it cuts to two eggs floating near a sewage drain. That’s pure comedy.
Q: Would you rather be the best skater in the world or the funniest person in the world?
A: I’d like to be the funniest person in the world because people would like me for being me. I could also use that to get free stuff in skating because everyone would love me, even if I was bad at skateboarding. Being funny is a superpower.
Q: Favorite moment from filming Tenor?
A: It’s gotta be when I backside big spinned over that hip spot with the security. Those security guards truly thought they were standing in my way, but I saw how I could squeeze through. I thought, if I accidentally hit one of them it would still be a funny clip. So, I thought, “fuck it.” Next thing I noticed I was riding away. I was super stoked. The filmer Rich Smith and all my friends watching were hyped. It was a classic skate moment.
Q: What does Skate Cafe bring to the UK scene?
A: Honestly, I feel it just brings hype to UK skateboarding as a whole, but in their own unique way. Great skating, editing, and music choices. Not a lot of skating from the UK makes it to mainstream outlets, so it helps show the rest of the world that skateboarding is very alive in the UK. It’s about time people recognize the talent here.
Q: Who smokes the most weed on Skate Cafe?
A: About two and a half years ago, I would have easily said, “Me, playa,” but I quit. Honestly, now that I think about it, I don’t think anyone really smokes weed on the team. Well, I mean like religiously buying it. We are all a bunch of good boys [laughs]. Wait, actually, I think it is Josh Arnott, but I think he might be more of a hash man. Fuck knows!
Q: Favorite UK slang? Favorite US slang?
A: I just can’t take “WET!” “WATER!” and “FIRE!” seriously at all. That shit is just funny to me for some reason, maybe because I’m older, but I can’t say those words without sounding super sarcastic. It’s definitely more cringy to me in an American accent though. “Yeah dude! That was hella wet” [laughs]. So funny.
In conclusion, Shaun Currie’s infectious personality and unique perspective on skateboarding are a breath of fresh air. This glimpse into his day in Sheffield only scratches the surface of the good times and laughs he brings. From navigating public restrooms to landing impressive tricks, Shaun’s approach to skating is as entertaining as it is skillful. We look forward to seeing more from him and the rest of the Skate Cafe crew.
Filmed by: Viktor Kretsis
Edited by: Alexis Castro